Monday, August 27, 2012

Ohio Revises Rules For Underground Storage Tanks

Ohio has changed its underground storage tank regulations to align with federal rules.Under Ohio Rule OAC 1301-7-9-06, all new UST Systems must have secondary containment. Previously, only UST Systems in sensitive areas had to secondary containment. Further, when the cumulative replacement of an existing UST system exceeds 50%, then the entire system must have secondary containment. When new dispensers are installed or when existing dispensers are repaired and did not have containment pans under the dispenser, containment must be then installed under the dispenser.

Under Rule OAC 1301-7-9-19, by August 8, 2012, Owners and operators had to designate, train and document the training of Class A, B and C operators. This training was for operators of UST systems and is in addition to the licensure requirements for UST installers. Licensed UST installers automatically qualify as Class A operators.

Class A Operators have the primary responsibility for achieving and maintaining compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements and standards necessary to operate and maintain the UST system at one or more UST Sites. Class B Operators have the primary responsibility for implementing applicable requirements and standards for UST systems at one or more UST sites. Class A and B Operators have to undergo training from a state Fire Marshal approved trainer using formats approved by the state.

Class C operators (often being at least one attendant at the facility during working hours) are responsible for the initial response to alarms and other indications of emergencies caused by spills or releases from a UST system and for notifying the Class A or Class B Operators or emergency response personnel of the same. Class C operators may be trained by Class A or Class B operators using formats approved by the state.

Caltha LLP provides specialized expertise to clients nationwide in the evaluation environmental rules, developing EHS compliance procedures, and preparing cost-effective EHS management programs. For further information contact Caltha LLP at or Caltha LLP Website

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