The EPA is proposing revisions to the
new source performance standards (NSPS) for
kraft pulp mills. These revised standards include particulate matter emission limits for recovery furnaces, smelt dissolving tanks and lime kilns, which apply to emission units commencing construction, reconstruction or modification after May 23, 2013 that are different than those required under the existing standards for kraft pulp mills. The exemptions to opacity standards do not apply to the proposed standards for kraft pulp mills. The proposed rule also removes the exemption for periods of startup and shutdown (SSM) resulting in a standard that applies at all times. The proposed rule includes additional testing requirements and updated monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements for affected sources. Comments on the proposed rules must be received on or before
July 8, 2013.
To address the NSPS review, SSM exemptions and other changes, the EPA is proposing new standards, which will apply to affected sources at kraft pulp mills for which construction, modification or reconstruction commences on or after May 23, 2013. The affected sources under the proposed NSPS are new, modified or reconstructed digester systems, brown stock washer systems, evaporator systems, condensate stripper systems, recovery furnaces, SDTs, and lime kilns at kraft pulp mills. The requirements for these new, modified or reconstructed sources will be included in a new subpart-40 CFR part 60, subpart BBa. The EPA is also proposing testing, monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements for subpart BBa that are in some ways different from what is required under subpart BB.
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evaluation environmental rules, developing EHS compliance procedures, and preparing cost-effective EHS management programs.
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