Saturday, November 10, 2012

Wool Fiberglass Area Source NESHAP Chromium Emissions

In 2012 under a Section 114 letter, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) received responses from wool fiberglass companies which conducted furnace emissions testing for chromium compounds. According to EPA, the industry data show that wool fiberglass area sources emit chromium from all furnace types. Emissions of chromium compounds from the wool fiberglass industry's area sources total over 50 pounds per year.

Additionally, one major source facility is expected to become an area source through changes to a process downstream and independent of the furnace; one furnace at that source has been measured as emitting over 500 pounds per year of chromium compounds. Based on these data, EPA plans to list and regulate area sources in the wool fiberglass source category for all processes that emit HAP.

A schedule for development of this source category National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) was not released by EPA.

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