Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Area Source NESHAP for Electric Arc Furnaces, MACT Amendments for Mercury

US EPA has announced its intent to amend the Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) standard for mercury in the Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) area source rule to develop an emission limit for mercury. This limit will replace the mercury switch program as MACT.

The states and environmental groups asked the EPA to reconsider the MACT work practice standard for mercury from the 2007 promulgated rule because they believe the switch program has had a much lower success rate than expected, and is unenforceable since only self-certification is required to comply with the MACT. In addition, the basis for the work practice promulgated as MACT in 2007 was no longer valid. Mercury emissions were collected, measured, and controlled at EAF by over 30% of facilities that have measured mercury emissions. One facility was collecting and controlling mercury under a state (NJ) mercury limit.

EPA plans to issue a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) in May 2012.

Caltha LLP provides specialized expertise to clients nationwide in the evaluation environmental rules, developing EH&S compliance procedures, and preparing cost-effective EH&S management programs.

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