Monday, September 6, 2010

Arizona PM10 Non Attainment Plan Disapproval Proposed

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed disapproval Maricopa County’s air quality plan because it does not adequately control emissions of coarse particulate matter. The Maricopa area is considered in “nonattainment” for coarse particulate matter (PM-10) The nonattainment area is located in the eastern portion of Maricopa County and encompasses the cities of Phoenix, Mesa, Scottsdale, Tempe, Chandler, Glendale, and 17 other jurisdictions and unincorporated County lands. The nonattainment area also includes the town of Apache Junction in Pinal County.

The State of Arizona submitted a plan in 2007 intended to ensure that coarse particulate matter was reduced by 5% each year until the standard was attained. According to EPA, Arizona did not correctly inventory the sources of PM-10, resulting in a plan that does not satisfy the requirements of the federal Clean Air Act.

EPA is proposing to approve those elements of the plan that will help reduce air pollution in the County, including ones regulating leaf blowers, unpaved areas, burning and other sources of particulate matter.

The proposed EPA action will be published in the Federal Register for a 30-day public comment period. EPA expects to will make a final decision on the plan in early January 2011, after reviewing public comments.

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